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How loud are Siamese cats?


I am thinking of adopting Oriental shorthairs, which are similar to Siamese in behaviour and appearance.  Although you may not have experience with Orientals, I was wondering if you can tell me how loud Siamese cats can get.  I know that both breeds are very vocal, but I'm not sure what to expect or how well I'm prepared.  Thank you.

Actually, I have a Oriental Shorthair chocolate-spotted tabby myself.  They're basically the same cat as a Siamese with a different coat color.  And they're pretty loud!  If they're lonely or bored, they will vocalize so loudly that neighbors can often hear it.  Many people mistake their meows for a baby's cry.  But if you have enough time to dedicate to them, they'll usually reserve vocalization for interaction with you.  A 40-hour work week is okay, but if you work much more than that or travel often, I would probably not recommend this breed.  They become extremely attached to their owners and get very distressed when separated from them.