Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > TICA?



Hi Norm,
I wrote to you awhile back and decided to get a kitten to add to our family of one adult cat. I researched breeders and want to know if it is good to have the breeder TICA registered. what does that mean? thanks so much. I am looking forward to hearing from you.


Reputable breeders should be registered with one or all of The International Cat Association (TICA), The Cat Fanciers' Association, inc. (CFA), or American Cat Fanciers Association (ACFA).  I would look for this, but, being registered with any of these associations is no guarantee that the breeder is reputable.

If at all possible, visit the cattery.  See the cattery conditions.  There should be no odor and the premises should be clean.  The cats should look well cared for and the kittens clear eyed and active.  If there is any problem or you are leery of the cattery conditions in any way, walk away.

BTW, a good place to look is

Best regards... Norm.