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Vestibular Disorder? No end in sight.


My Himmi developped Vestibular Problems a couple of months ago.  He had all classic inner ear symptoms such as circleling, eye movements, balance problems, vomiting and tilting. He improved greatly within 72 hours and I thought we were on the road to recover.  Now, so many months after he head tilt is still pretty severe, he has difficulty eating (drops food)  and he has signs of eye tracing especially under stress.  Antibiotics havn't worked, neither have anti-inflammatories.  I would love to know if you have seen this in cats at your vets office and what treatment may have worked as well as what tests should I be asking my vet for?  Any ideas would be appreciated.

No we havent seen this in our office yet but your vet should have other options for you.If you ask your vet he/she should have a whole let of treatments and things for you.If he/she doesnt then I would try another vet or call another vet to ask.

sorry I couldnt help you much I did my best keep me updated
