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cats vomiting after she eats


I have a 3 yr old female/spayed cat. I got her from a rescue a few months ago. Unfortunately a week after I got her I had to send her to my daughter's house as I spent 3 wks in the hospital. My daughter told me that every once an awhile she would vomit. Since I brought her home about 3 wks ago she has appeared fine. Now since yesterday she has vomited twice. It's been both times in the morning right after she eats. I called a local vet from my daughter's house and they said maybe she eats too fast so I started just feeding her a smaller amount. When she vomited both yesterday and today it was all stomach juice and food however just this morning shortly after she vomited she vomited a second time and it was all dark yellow liquid. I feed her purina cat chow so don't know if it's the food or if there is something more wrong. Any idea's. Can't really afford the vet this week but will borrow the money if I need to as I'm very concerned. Thank you.

Hi Denise,

I would try changing the food first. Feed her canned food and see how she does. If you have to use a dry food, use something like Purina One for Sensitive Systems. Change her gradually over to the Purina One. It should take about a week to make the changeover. See how she does. If she stops, then that was your problem. If she doesn't, have her checked at the vet. The food changeover won't hurt her. If she seems to be coughing also then get her to the vet. Make sure you bring a sample of her stool too. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen