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Cats age?


Hi! We recently took in a stray cat. Is there any way for us to tell how old our cat
is? I think she's an adult, and she doesn't seem old, but I'm not sure if there is a
way to ball park her age.


Your vet is in the best position to give you some idea.

Usually, when they hit about 8 months, they have all their adult teeth. There is a "kitten" look they have until about 8 moths of age. There is a "teen age" look they have from about 7 months until a year and a half, depending on the body type. After that it is very difficult to tell. As they get older, cats tend to become a bit more round in their features and carry a bit more weight.

The problem is that different body types of cats mature at different rates. The more lithe cats tend to be pretty mature at age year and a half. The wider the body, the larger the cat's frame the more time it takes. Very large long haired breeds, like Maine Coons and Persians are often not fully mature until age 5 years.

I hope this is helpful.

Best regards... Norm.