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Cat Claw


Two days ago, I found a bloody claw that had broken off one of my cats. I examined both cats and realized my older cat had somehow ripped off one of his back claws. The whole claw was missing and his foot had dried blood where the claw was. Other than finding the claw, I have not noticed any changes in my cat`s behavior. He doesn`t appear to be in any pain. The area doesn`t look infected. I am wondering if you think I should attempt to wash it and also if you think the nail will heal on it`s own or should I bring him to the vet. Any advice would be appreciated.



Yes, the claw will grow back but it will take some time.  That is why when a cat is declawed they have to amputate the whole first joint of the paw, so the claw doesn't grow back.

The cat will probably keep the paw cleaned, but you can pour hydrogen peroxide on in to bubble out anything. It doesn't need any medication unless the claw site starts to get infected.
