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is my cat pregant x


hi yh Jessica is my cat pregant
She is a 10 month tortashell female she is more loving now to me and the family and she keeps rolling around and that and shes is sepping this stuff out of her backend and her nipples are not pink but are if u now what i mean shes alot sleeper than usall and shes now gone off her food i ont no what to do ???????? please HELP me ?? thanks from shanice

Hi Shanice.  From the sounds of it, she's probably in estrus, or "heat", which is the time when she could become pregnant.  Signs of heat are all like you mentioned - some clear or pink vulvar discharge, rolling around on the floor (also raising her rear end, especially if you pet her close to the tail), losing interest in food, being excessively affectionate, and most cats will end up yowling at all hours, too.  What you'll want to do is keep her indoors and away from all unneutered males no matter what!  Heat lasts about a week for most cats, sometimes up to two weeks, and it usually comes back about once a month during the summer if she doesn't become pregnant.  In the winter it may not happen as frequently.  

But the best idea is to have her spayed as soon as you can.  Each time she goes into heat, her chances of developing mammary cancer later in life increase.  Also, if she's not spayed, she's at risk for a deadly infection of the uterus called pyometra, and ovarian cancer.  Your vet can spay her at any time.

In the meantime, there isn't anything you can really do for her.  You will just have to let nature take its course.  This should pass in about a week and she should be back to herself.  However, if she has eaten absolutely nothing for a couple of days, then she really must be made to eat somehow.  You could try to tempt her with extra special canned food or chicken, but if nothing works, then she should see a vet.