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My Two Male Cats Are Fighting!!!!!!


I currently have two male cats both neutered.  One is 7 (Max) and the other one will be 7 (Malcolm) this month.  For some reason lately they have been fighting very badly and their fights have been very intense occasionally ending up one of them bleeding.  I got each one as a kitten and they have been around each other for just about 7 years now.  They would have the occasional fight, but nothing major.  I did move in four months ago, but it seemed to go okay with the transition.  We went from an apartment to now having three floors one of them and I don't know which one had one accident on the floor the first night, but otherwise the move was successful.  Now here it is four months later and they just started this behavior.  Max has been acting very funny since this all started and spends most of the day just laying down growling every time Malcolm comes in eye contact.  Today they started fighting at 4am and it must have continued on while I was at work all day because I came to to a pile of poop and pee on the bathroom floor, which they never do and I am not sure which cat did it.  The weird thing is that I can't get the smell off the floor and I have tried everything.  I am hoping that you can help me with both problems, how to get them to stop fighting and how to get the smell off the bathroom floor.  I am not sure if I should be concerned because it just started about a week ago.  I have heard and I am not sure how true it is, but that if one cat is sick the other cat may go after the sick one because of it.  Neither one seems to be in any kind of pain or bothered by anything other than each other. I would appreaciate any help you can offer.  Thank you,

Lori, the first suggestion I have is to get both of your guys to the vet for urine and blood tests. They may just be responding badly to the change, but ruling out medical problems is a good first step. To get the smell out of areas where the cats are going that aren't litterboxes use an enzymatic cleaner. These cleaners are available at pet stores and work really well. As I said the sooer your cats see a vet and rule out anything medical the sooner we can talk about other solutions for this. Please keep me posted and don't hesitate to contact me with further questions or concerns.