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Some miner health problems


I have three questions, I'm going to ask one at a time.

I have an eight year old cat. From time to time, he has been rubbing his buttocks on my floor. When I check his buttocks, I notice that his anus looks a little red (like a rash). What can I get for him?

Hi Angel,
He probably has impacted anal glands. He is rubbing his buttocks on the floor to relieve the pressure.  You can try to release it yourself by taking your thumb and forefinger on each side of his anus and gently squeezing, however, cats do NOT appreciate this so you may want your Vet to do it.  If you try it, I might warn you that the substance that will eject is quite smelly, so be ready to wash that area good with a soapy wash cloth.  good luck!
