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Introducing a new cat into the family...


My husband brought home a kitten that is about 3 months old today. However, we have a Chocolate Lab who is about 1 1/2 years old and a cat that's about 20 years old. The older pets do not get along because my dog tried to be too playful with the cat. She doesn't mean to try to hurt him, she's just playing. However, that's made me a little weary about introducing thenew cat to our dog. How should we go about doing that? I'd hate to keep one of them locked in a bathroom or anything like that. Can you give me any ideas?

Hi Kassie,

I think the fact that your cat is 20 years old (WOW) is the reason the dog scares him.  Your dog is still very young and playful and your cat is considered quite elderly.  I think a kitten will be a whole different scenario. The kitten will probably play with your dog. I recently brought home a kitten and he plays with my dogs alot.  At first there may be a little hissing, growling and general confusion, but if you introduce them one on one , there shouldn't be a problem. Hold the kitten and let your dog sniff.  Slowly let them down together.  I doubt your dog would be agressive, but if so, then watch them very closely.  The kitten can always jump up on something to get away from the dog, or hide under the couch like mine   Just be with them and give your dog lots of attention and you should be ok.  

God Bless,