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Downsyndrome in cats


My cat looks downsyndrome. Is there a cure? Is there a plastic surgeon for cats anywhere?

There isn't such a thing as Down's Syndrome in cats, although they certainly can be physically deformed and mentally challenged.  There are no plastic surgeons for cats that I'm aware of.  But you should have your kitty evaluated by a vet.  If the kitty is found to be deformed and there is a physical reason to restructure his features, then the vet may be able to refer you to a specialist or a university that could help you.  If the kitty's health is not impacted by his appearance, then I think you will find most vets are going to consider surgery to correct it highly unethical.  A kitty isn't aware that he's "ugly", so it's not worth putting him through the risks of surgery, anesthesia and recovery.