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HELP please :( my cat seems very sick!


please help me! my cat seems very sick! i have searched for answers on the internet about why my cat is acting like he is but i cant find anything! My cat flurry who is about 8 months old is acting odd, 2 days ago he was normal but yesterday he was very limp and he seemed somewhat dehydrated and was sleeping and not moving alot. today i noticed that he is limp, dehydrated (i know because when i gently pull his skin it stands up), his eyes are crusty (fully crusted over but i wiped his eyes off), he has mucus on his nose and sneezes alot and seems to be having breathing problems, he has lost his appitite and wont drink. his meows are crackley and he smells bad (mouth region). he is usually very energetic as he has reccently started catching alot of mice but now wont move very much and sleeps most of the time. some of my cats that live in my barn which are not house cats like flurry have had the same sickness before. flurry is mostly an indoor cat but also goes outside. please help!!! whats wrong!!!

Hi Jessica,

Flurry needs to get to a vet. A physical exam and probably some blood tests need to take place in order to diagnose his actual illness. It may range from the feline herpes virus to the feline leukemia virus. It sounds like he probably also has a bacterial infection causing his mouth odor and his eye crustiness. Because of his dehydration, I would visit an emergency vet center. Dehydration can affect heart and brain function.

Good luck,