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neutered cats


I have two Burmese cats male 4yr and female 18months non
related but get along great. my male is very much a alfa
male though. about a year ago became in door cats as the
male attacked other peoples cats and small dogs. its now
spring/summer and my male cat keeps trying to mount my
female cat by grabbing her round the neck. this has never
happened before, she screeches and bites him then runs away.
they are both neutered and i wanted to know it this normal
for a neutered cat and what can i do to stop it?


Yes, there are neutered cats who will try to breed a female during mating season (about this time in Australia).  You can have his hormones checked by your vet, and see if anything is amiss. Neutered males who will do this are called "teaser toms" and some breeders use them to take females out of heat.

Seasonal regards... Norm.