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I just recieved a one year old male cat that is not nuttered from a friend.  He lived in an apartment that allowed the cat to wonder outside. I live on the 14th floor of a buidling so it's not possible.  The cat is meowing non stop if we don't give it constant attention especially at night.  Does this mean it needs to be nutered or could it mean something else?  Anything you can offer is much appreciated.


Being neutered may help. It is also the safest and healthiest for the cat. It should be done in any event. It also safer and healthier for the cat that he stay indoors so having hime always inside is a good thing. there is really no good reason for letting a cat roam outdoors though many people seem to think otherwise. But there are dangers and illnesses out there and he is better off inside. Plus, being let out when he is not fixed has probably resulted in many homeless, unwanted and basically doomed kittens being born which is a real shame. So get him fixed for sure. If the keeps up the noise after that, give him some time to get used his new situation. In time he will get adjusted and it will stop. But certainly getting him fixed will probbaly be a big help by ending his desire to get out there to find females. So that is certianly the right first step to take and may resolve the whole problem.