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Not eating or drinking after vet visit


My 6 year old persian was taken to the vet after not eating, drinking or using the litterbox.  She left a pool of blood near her bed.  The vet operated on her to cleanup an infected anal polup.  She was given 2 antibiotics and a dose of morphine.  Since returning home that day, she has tried to eat and drink water but vomits up a yellowy fluid and still will not go to the litterbox.  This is nearly 4 days since it all started.  What should I do to stablize her?  Thanks.

Please call the vet right away on this one.  It could be the antibiotics prescribed are not agreeing with her, could be she had a bad reaction to the anesthesia, could be a complication of the surgery itself, could be septicemia (infection in the blood, which is fatal if not treated immediately).  But it definitely needs to be addressed and treated aggressively.  At the very least, I'm certain your kitty will need subcutaneous or IV fluids if she's been vomiting for four days.  I would not try giving her anything at home.  Without knowing exactly what's going on, trying to treat it might make it worse.