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Introducing Bengals


Dear Norman,

We have a five month old female Bengal called Vivienne, who is a very friendly and playful house cate. As we work all day, we decided to get another cat to keep her company - a six month old male, also a Bengal, called Comrade.

Since Comrade arrived he has been very laid back, if timid. Viv, on the other hand, has been hissing, growling, and generally unwelcoming. She's taken a few swipes at him, but nothing serious.

What should we do? Would it be better to separate them for a while?


Once they have been introduced, you may as well let them run together.  Cats go through a rather loud intimidating "getting to know you" ritual with each other. There is often lots of hissing, spitting, growling, and posturing.  Given that Viv was there first, she has the advantage of being the established cat.  Rarely will domestic cats really hurt each other. They have very tough skin and the biting/scratching behaviors often are rough play.  So, unless someone draws blood, I would grit my teeth, ignore the noise and leave them work it out.  Any human interference (separation, discipline, etc.) is counter productive and just prolongs the whole business. Usually, after a few days or weeks, they work out their relationship and tend to get along.  The first inklings are if they are playing chase (even if it ends up in a mock "fight").  Other good signs are mutual grooming and eating together, using the same litter pan and the like.

A couple of tips. You may have to have a separate litter pan in another part of the house as cats can become very territorial over litter pans.  I would pay extra attention and give extra treats to Viv if you are playing with Comrade. Given their ages,things should settle down fairly quickly.

One thing to avoid is the temptation to ascribe human motives and emotions to cats. They do not think like we do!!!!!

Please let me know how it goes.

Best regards... Norm.