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Persian Cat


My 2 year old persian cat sometimes just likes to lick random things, furniture, windows, fireplace, painted wood. I am concerned why she does this.  Just for your information she also suffers from cat acne on her chin and any recomendations about this would also be helpful.  I wash her chin twice a day with hibiscrub, vets have tried all sorts but to no avail.  She is now on allerginic diet but the licking started a whilst ago.  I hope you can help. Thank you

I have never come across this before and so cannot advise about the chin acne. It could be agitated by her licking things. The problem is she could be suffering from a  form of Pica which is when cats eat unusual things (see my web page about this strange phenomenon here /cat-eating-disorders.html )

No one really knows what causes it and there doesn't seem to be any way to stop it apart from stopping the cat doing it as soon as you see them.

I am sorry i have not been of any more help.

best wishes Kate