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Pooping on the floor


I moved to Toronto a year ago and have had no problem with my two cats adjusting. Approx. 2 months ago my one cat Boston started pooping on the floor instead of the litter box. Not always in the same place but in one general area. This was only happening occationally, but now it is everyday. I have two litter boxes that are cleaned daily.  There are no signs of worms or anything in his poop.
He gets tons of attention and affection...not sure why he would be doing this.
Any suggestions?


I am assuming you have had the cat physically checked by the vet and, not only ruled out worms, but also inflamed anal glands and the like.

It seems to me that something must have changed in your household to get Boston to be exhibiting inappropriate pooping habits.  It could be another cat in the neighborhood "bothering" your two.  It could be a new addition to the household (another person or another pet).

I am giving you a link which points to a super article on feline house soiling problems:

This article was written by a vet who is also a cat breeder.

Also, to properly clean any aea where the cat has pooped, you need an enzyme based cleaner specifically for pet stains and pet odors.  These are available from your neighborhood pet supermarket or farm store.

With proper cleaning and a bit of detective work you will, hopefully, get to the bottom of this.

Good luck & best regards... Norm.