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Moving cats to new apartment


I am moving from a house into a 1 bedroom apt with my 2 6 mth old cats, boy and girl. They live in my house now with my 14 yr old Beagle who they love, but my dog will be staying with my parents in the house. I am nervous about them being uncomfortable in the new apt, especially becasue they have had many changes in the past few weeks, such as spaying, neutering, change of bedroom, and the kitchen in the house was just gutted. So their environment has changed and now I am moving them completely. Another thing is the apt I am moving into has 3 dogs in the other half of the house and 1 of them is cinstantly at 1 of my windows looking in . I don't want the cats to get scared and get territorial . How can I keep this transition as comfortable as possible? Will they feel the loss of my dog and parents not being around? Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Hi Kristy,

When you move them into the new place try to keep them confined to one room only for a couple of days. Make sure it has all their stuff in it. Also if it isn't your bedroom, put some things of yours in there so they have familiar odors. They may miss their buddy. That's one that's hard to call. You can get a product called Feliway before the move and spray it in the new house. This acts as a kitty tranquilizer. It will keep them calm. And hopefully they won't be too stressed out. Cats are pretty resilient. They can take a lot. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen