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symtoms for distemper


My family member has a cat and we think it might have distemper. Its not eating and it breathes really fast.Could this be the symptoms of distemper? Do you know any other symtoms they could have? The cat doesnt see a vet.
Let me know what you think.

It may not be seeing a vet but it needs one now. Right now. You don't say how long it hasn't been eating but if it's been more than 24 hours, that's serious, and in combination with breathing problems, sounds like an emergency to me. Without knowing anything about the cat's age, it's impossible for me to speculate as to whether it might be distemper. It could just as easily be cardiomyopathy, feline leukemia, feline infectious peritonitis or lots of other nasty things. Some of them are treatable and some are not.
Please tell your family member that part of responsible pet ownership is providing medical attention when it is needed, and trust me, this cat needs it and consulting someone like me doesn't qualify!

Please get this poor cat some help
