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I was wandering if you could offer advice on hairball remedies.  My 13 month old cat is constantly throwing up hairballs - at first we thought she was pooping on the floor but come to find out it was a ball of fur along with liguid !  We find this to be a pretty daily occurrance.  Is there something over the counter we can buy ?  we feed her purina cat food (the indoor formula kind).  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated !

Hi Becky,

There are a couple of things you can do. One is get hairball medicine. It costs about $5. If you can't afford this then a little butter or mineral oil,(1/2 tsp.), does the trick.  This coats the hair that your cat swallows and allows it to pass through the intestinal tract.

The other thing is get this;
Use this or something similar. You can get it at any pet store. Use it at least once a week. And believe it or not, cats love to be brushed. These two things should take care of your problem. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen