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Several Cat Household


I actually have a couple of questions.

#1 I have a 17yr old cat and she is very picky about her food she likes canned food which has actually helped her keep her weight right. She is spayed has been since her first heat. She is now blind and deaf do to age I think. I have had her to the vet a few times but they do not give me any answers. One day she stopped using the litter box and will not use it ever. she uses the floor next to the litter box. Well I am not sure how to fix this and she has been doing this for a few yrs now so not sure I can fix it. but I am willing to try.
#2 about the same cat she wants a different flavor of food every time she wants to eat and here again she is blind and deaf so she does not have set feeding times to help her keep weight on we feed here many times a day. One vet I took her to said she may have renal failure but he would not do the test to confirm it. and I asked another vet to do all the tests and they said it is too expensive to do them. So I am at an impasse I am not sure if I should get her food for certain things or not. The vets around here don't want to do the tests to determine if she needs special foods or not. so what should I be feeding her?   
#3 I rescued a cat almost a year ago and my 5 yr old cat does not like him at all. I have tryed everything suggested in other posts except for the pheromone stuff. I introduced them the way that was suggested and it did not work. the new cat is a couple of years younger then my 5 yr old but he is the same size. The new guy stays in my room because the 5 yr old attacks him and has actually rushed into my room to attack him. I have tryed everything to help them out. not sure what to do past this so I just keep them separate because it is not fun they have hurt each other the five yr old had a big bite on his tail and the new guy has had many sores from the fights. Please help.

Thanks Michelle

Hi Michelle,

I will try to help you the best I can. This is going to be a long answer. First off, did she go blind pretty fast or was it gradual? I ask this because sometimes older cats go blind very fast because of hypertension. Next, you are in a state that has a lot of vets. Find another who will perform this test. You need to know if she has renal failure. If she does then the high blood pressure goes with that. And she will need treatment for that. And the first test is a simple blood panel. They should be doing that. It is not that expensive. Go to your local vet school and there should be a clinic there. They will help.

Next, here's a link about feeding your cat.

Keep her on a wet food diet. It is good for her. And don't buy into any of those vet prescription diets. They do nothing for her. And The more a food smells the better she will be able to find it. I would also feed her three times a day. Look on the cans for how much she should be eating and split that amount up and feed her it.

Now about the 5 year old. Some cats never settle in with others. I will give you a couple of things to try and hopefully they will work. Otherwise keep the new guy in the bedroom. Make sure he has a couple of safe areas he can hide in. I have one like that. She is in the bedroom with a kitty tent to hide in and a bed for when she doesn't. It has taken 3 years but now the other cats pretty much leave her alone. Every once in a while one will go in there and there will be a little hissy fight.

Use this on the 5 year old. See how it works.

It works pretty good and may do the trick. And get some Feliway Comfort Zone. Try that and see if it works.

Now onto your older guy's litter problem. First off clean the area where she has been using with a good enzymatic cat urine cleaner. I like Nature's Miracle. You can get it almost anywhere. You want to get rid of any odor in the area where she has been going so she won't be tempted to use it again.

Get a litter box like this. She may be a little arthritic and need a lower box. Also it will help being so big with her other disabilities.

Cats love it. Get this scoop for it. Makes your life easier.

Try using this litter.  

PetSmart and other stores carry it. Or use an organic material litter instead of a clumping clay. Her sense of smell is extremely high and clay litters are really dusty. She may not like them.

I think it might be a combination of being sick and stress. Hopefully these tips will help you. Oh and here's a good article about your aging cat.

Hope this info will help you. It should put you on the right track. Remember to call around to get another vet who will check your cat over. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen