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kittens belly


Ive got a kitten who is female and approximatly 7 months old. Ive noticed recently her belly hangs down, not unlike that of a cat who has just had kittens. I have felt it and it seems like a jelly sac is the only way I can describe it. It doesnt seem to bother her, she eats and plays well and there have been no abnormal bathrooms problems that ive noticed, she is not yet spayed and has been an indoor cat since birth.
Is this something I should be concerened with?
Thanks very much in advance


I wonder if this kitten has been over fed and has developed what is called a "fat bag".  But, at 7 months of age, this would be awfully young to have a fat bag! However, just to make sure it is not someting else, I would have your vet take a look at it.

Best regards... Norm