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hyperthyroid in cats


I have a 12 year old cat that was just diagnosed with hyperthyroidism.  He went down hill really fast especially in the weight department.  I didn't know if you knew how long it takes with the medication to get back to normal.  He still has diarrhea and is pretty weak.  He has only been on the meds since Tuesday when he was diagnosed.  I really miss my old cat, he was so full of life and isn't right now.  Thanks

Hi Cathy.  Poor guy!  You will usually start to see symptoms subside gradually in about 2 to 3 weeks after starting treatment.  You could ask your vet if they feel it would be beneficial to give your kitty some fluids under the skin to help him feel better in the meantime.  Most cats with hyperthyroidism will be dehydrated because their metabolisms are so sped up that water goes right through them, and dehydration can leave a cat frail and depressed.  A vet can show you how to give fluids at home if you desire.  Also a gel called Nutri-Cal is an excellent dietary supplement for cats with hyperthyroidism.  It's available through vets, online and at some pet stores.