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how can you tell if a cat is still pregnant?


We have a stray cat that hangs around our house and we took it in,the cats belly is large and her tits are very swelled,how can you tell if the cat is still pregnant?


An experienced cat breeder would be able to tell easily.  Normally, if she is well along, you should be able to see kittens moving.

What I would do is to have her see your veterinarian.  This accomplishes a couple of things.  One you get a better idea of when she may be due, assuming she is pregnant.  Secondly, you get a relationship between you, your vet and you queen so that when she does have kittens, it will not be a surprise to anyone.

Do you have any idea when this female may have been bred?  If so, you can figure gestation will be between 65 and 67 days, with 63 days being a normal minimum time and 69 days being a normal maximum time from the date of breeding to give birth.

Milk can come in a week before birth or just at birth or anytime in between.  Water can break a few hours before birth or just as the first kitten is ready to be born.  So, there are often no clear cut signs (except for a drop in body temperature) when birth is imminent.

Best regards... Norm.