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the loss of a beloved family pet.


We have recently lost the animal love of our family's life.  His name was Elmo..."MoMo" to those who knew and loved him......He was a 2.5 year old Himalayan and was one of the most beautiful cats you have ever seen.  He loved everybody and the little red things around a new jug of milk!  He had been neutered and was up to date on all of his vaccinations.  He appetite and health was great.  But one evening my husband tripped over the cats water dish and the water ran to where Elmo was sleeping and he didn't move. (this was approx 11:30 in the evening.) My husband picked him up and moved him and when he sat him down, he fell over!  He called me to the kitchen and I immediately grapped him up to see what was the matter.  He was so cold.  I wrapped him in a blanket and tried to keep him warm.  His hear rate was extremely rapid and his breathing was shallow.  We are from a extremely rural area in middle Ga. and don't have many vets that will see you after hours.  We tried calling a few and to no avail........NO VET!  Elmo passed away at 4:30am on November 7th.
    I have 4 children and for that reason I  have no chemicals that he could have gotten into and no type of poisionous plants. Please, you have any insight to what might have happed, PLEASE, help put this hurting cat moms heart at rest, because for my birthday on the 17th of November, I was blessed with 2 new babies (persian this time) and now the smallest of the 2 is sick. I don't think it is the same as what Elmo had. My baby is showing cold symptoms, wont eat, has diarrhea and is really thin.  I am giving him a food supplement called Nutri-Stat and giving him Childrens Imodium for the diarreah.  Please let me know if you have any other ways I may help my new baby as vets are so expensive and right here at Christmas with 4 children.....need I say more.
    Thank you for taking the time to read my lengthy e-mail.     Elmo's mom!

My sympathies over the loss of Elmo.  There are many things that could have happened to him, and without seeing him its really hard to say what it might have been.  It could have been something genetic, a virus, or he could have gotten into something that was toxic.  In regards to your new kitten, if he has never been tested for feline leukemia and FIV, then I would highly recommend it.  Its possible he has intestinal parasites as well that could be causing his diarrhea.  When they are that young they can fade so quickly that its really a good idea to seek medical attention before its too late.  If he has diarrhea and he's not eating, he's probably dehydrated as well, and there is no way you are going to be able to get him to drink enough.  I hope he gets better.
