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Cat has the sniffles

20 16:40:10

Hi Dr. Lisa,
My kitten was found at a dumpster site in our county and must have been the runt of the litter.  She has grown very little since we got her.  We haven't been able to afford to take her to a vet for evaluation but she sneezes. She also Squints
her eyes a lot like she has a cold or something.
Without being able to examine her, do you have any
idea what these symptoms might indicate?  She plays with two other kittens that we have taken in but the sneezing and the way she squints concerns My wife and me.  I look forward to hearing from
you and appreciate your time.

she probably has a cold. she really needs to go to the vet for a shot and some antibiotic. but until you can take her to the vet buy some vicks vapor rub, and put a tiny bit of it on her chin daily. make sure she cant lick it or get it in her eyes. this will help her breathing.