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compulsive licking


My 4 year old female taby has a strange problem. I raised her at 3 days old and I am her mommy so she acts as such...but I am now 15 weeks pregnant and soo after I found out I was pregnant she will lick her paws very close to my skin and she will lick her paw and my skin at the same time..sounds strange but she she had a strange licking problem before then as well...about 2 years ago she will stand and lick her back then just bolt off like lightening...Its not fleas I have chcked plus I use frontline on my kitties...but she still does really all started with the birth of my soon to be 3 year old...I think it is behavior problems or even jealousy but Id like a second opinion really does make me crazy....

It isn't what I would call a behavior problem, or even jealousy! She is doing to you what a "nurse" cat would do to a pregnant Queen. She is cleaning you and monitoring your health, or so she thinks.

When two female cats live together, and one becomes pregnant, often times the nonpregnant cat will act as a nurse to the other. She will clean the Queen, and will gently paw at her fur or belly. This is the nurse cat's way of comforting the Queen. It also lets her taste any chemical changes in the Queen, and lets her know if the Queen is healthy. If she is not, the nurse cat often will begin to act very panicky. It is a great indicator of the health of the upcoming litter, according to the opinion of many breeders, and myself.

It sounds like your cat is aware of your pregnancy, and wants you to be comfortable and relaxed. When a cat cleans another cat, or a human, or another pet, that cat is saying, "We're friends, I like you."

Pregnant women often notice changes in their pet's behavior. Your cat or dog can smell the change in your body chemistry before you even know that you're pregnant. Pets often become territorial, or over protective, or exhibit nursing behavior, for a favorite owner who is recently expecting.

She really is just trying to soothe you and make you more comfortable. Take it as a sign of affection, not of avarice!