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Pregnancy for Persion Cat


QUESTION: Hi Norman,
Have a few questions to ask you if you don't mind...
1)My Persian cat is pregnant and this will be her first time.She is about 2 yrs old going to be 3 soon.Will she know how to give birth on her own or do i have to assist her and what should i do?
2)The father for her future kittens is a local cat(I'm residing in Singapore)will there be any problems for her new born as she would have a mixed breed babies?
3)I noticed that she have fleas(black tiny dots on her fur)can she be put on medications?will this affect her babies n her health?
Thanking you in advance for your kind help for the above issues...All the best..

Most cats know what to do when giving birth, HOWEVER, you will want to be there just in case she runs into problems.  You need to make sure you have access to a veterinarian, just in case.  She may want you near her when she decides to give birth or she may want you to stay away.  She will let you know.

She will have no more trouble birthing mixed breed babies than purebred babies (maybe even less trouble)!

I would wait until the babies are born before you treat, unless your veterinarian can offer some advice on a treatment that will not disrupt the unborn kittens.  Although fleas are a royal pain, they are generally not life threatening.

I would hunt the Internet for more information on the mechanics of kitten birth and things you might need to know when the kittens are on their way.

Good luck and best regards... Norm.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Dear Norman,
My cat had given birth to 4 babies but sadly 2 of the are still born(first 2)
Since now its have been 3 days after giving birth can i start to put on medications on her for the fleas problem? Will this effect the babies as they are still on 'breastmilk'.Also when should you recommed to start the medications for both mama and the babies?
Thanking you for your kind advise...and best wishes to you..

Best Regards


I would speak with your vet, first.  I think you would be taking a terrible chance putting her on flea meds before the kittens are weaned.

I would double check with your vet about dosages and age when the meds would be safe for kittens.  Also, you would have to double check about dosages.  

After three weeks, you can always immerse the kittens in warm water up to their necks and pick the fleas off as they migrate to the top of their little heads.  You can do the same thing with mama.  At least, this way you can keep the infestation under control.  Make sure mama dries the kittens off after you do this or there is a danger of them freezing.  Remember little kittens cannot regulate their body temperatures yet.  If you do this, you will want to change out the bedding as the fleas will live there, too.

The fleas will lay eggs which will hatch every two weeks, so after bathing and until you can use something like frontline, you will want to bathe the kittens two weeks after the first time and, again, change the bedding.

Best regards... Norm.