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Okay my cat ruby farts ALOT. it smells like rotten eggs.
do you know anything about this? if you do e-mail me before tomorrow if that okay with you... HURRY! SHES DOING ANOTHER! EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! BYE!(MEOW!)


If Ruby is passing gas excessively then it would be good to have her checked by a veterinarian to make sure it is not caused by Inflammatory Bowel Disease, an intestinal infection, food allergy, constipation, etc. Actually it would be good to have her examined anyway because if the gas is as bad as you imply then that is not normal for cats. It must be miserable for her too (besides for your nose) and it may be something that can be treated easily.

Changing Ruby's diet should help. Change to a high quality food that is LOW in fiber and soy. If you are not sure ask the vet for a recommendation of what to feed her. Do not give her milk. Make sure she doesn't get into garbage cans or have access to any spoiled food. Add Acidophilus to her helps digestion and helps to elimate gas. Don't give her too much people food/table scraps.

Get a pet laser light or some interactive toy. Exercise helps work out gas.
Put a little butter on her front legs periodically so she has to lick it off. It will help keep her system 'oiled' to help prevent constipation. If she is constipated then that would cause gas also.

Here are links to a couple of good articles about flatulence (farts) in cats. Copy and paste, or type the whole links into your address bar:
