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just adopted 2 brothers (black cats)


These 2 beautiful boys were abandoned and have been in foster shelter for 6 months, we have bought them and given them a lovely home we all love them dearly,however they seem desperate to go out but haven't been out for 6 month. When do you think we should let them out i'm frightened they will get lost any advice please.

Hello Clare and thank you for taking in 2 babies that desperately needed your loving home!

I tend to kick doors before I come into our house to make sure I "scare" our indoor only cats away from the door - I too don't want lost cats or let ours be vunable to coyotes or the other wild elements outside.

If you plan on making these 2 cats indoor/outdoor cats I would wait at least 3-6 months before attempting to let them go outside and then begin with them under your close supervision - this allows them plenty of time to adjust to the smells of your home, your "new to them" routines and such.  

I personally prefer to keep mine indoors only, as they are much less likely to catch diseases from other cats outside, get hit by traffic or eaten by the coyotes that roam our southwestern state :-) and it's proven that indoor only cats live longer lives.

Bless you for taking these two babies in and giving them a great new home!

Ask if you have any questions ok?  Thank you.
