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kitten play


I have a 6 month old kitten and I am getting a 6 week old kitten the 6 month old will bite the 6 week old on the back or around the neck and then she licks her I am afraid the 6 month will really hurt the 6 week old she did yelp once when the 6 month old bit her around the neck. Is this normal behavior or should I keep them separated until the 6 week old gets alittle bigger.  Please help  Thanks for your input

Hi Sabrina,
I think the older kitten is showing the younger kitten that she is the boss, in other words showing dominance.  I would watch them but I think they will be fine. The younger kitten will learn that she is the boss and will ler her be he dominant one.   They will soon be friends.  I doubt she is hurting her, but just watch to make sure.

God Bless,