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cat poops on the floor


i have an adult cat that is quiet one minute and then the next he goes crazy and "meowing" or screaming non-stop.  He does this everyday at different times and he will poop on the floor or carpet almost every time. During the time he does this, he's going crazy, running around screaming, he also jumps in and out of the litter box and kick litter everywhere and just makes a mess.  He's becoming a pain in the a** to deal with and is frustrating to constantly have to clean up his poops on the floor.  He has a clean litter box he can use but doesn't use it but to make a mess!  What can I do about this cat?  He's driving me crazy!


Have you had your cat to your vet to see if there is a medical problem?  This is really bizarre behavior and more likely than not medical.

Anyway, here is a link to an excellent series of articles on feline litter box problems:

Also, you need to clean the area with an enzyme based cleaner specifically for pet stains and pet odors.

Best regards... Norm.