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strays and pregnancies


I live out in the country with lots of land. A wild stray adopted me and after a year of feeding and watering her, I can finally pet and touch her.  It's finally confirmed she is a she b/c I now have 4 babies.  They are about 10 weeks old and she's just recently brought them around.  I have an appointment to get her fixed but my question is:  How soon can the babies get pregnant?
Thank you so much for your help!


Kittens can become pregnant as early as 5 months of age. It is best to have the kittens spayed and neutered as soon as possible. Since they are probably somewhat wary when it comes to people I would advise that you speak to your vet and see if he/she is willing to spay and neuter them as soon as they can be caught. In the interests of preventing unwanted kittens the vet may be willing to spay and neuter immediately. I am mentioning this option because it is common practice with many animal shelters to spay and neuter every pet that is adopted out including young kittens. I hope that this information helps. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me again.