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Separation Anxiety


My 4 year old cat, Stella, has been acting completely insane since the two other cats she grew up with moved out. She constantly cries (loudly), scratches the wall, won't sit still, knocks things over, and doesn't sleep much. It's a year, and she seems to be getting worse. I took her to the vet and was told she had separation anxiety, but i didn't get much advice. I have tried playing with her for 20 min a day, giving her sleeping medication, and cat calming treats. Is there anything I can do to solve this problem?


I am assuming Stella is fied?

Usually, cats get over separation anxiety within a couple of weeks.  I wonder if she needs a playmate?  She may be more bored than anxious as she has not been alone for an awfully long time.  I would think about getting Stella  kitten to play with.  If the kitten is introduced properly, all should be OK.

Best regards... Norm.