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Cat is pregnant for sure!


I was curious if my cat is too young to give birth properly to litter she is 7 months old and somehow a tom from next door got in and got her you know! Is she too young to handle birthing. And how many in the litter on average for a cat that young! Have any advise on what to do besides worry about her!


At 7 months, yes, she is too young.  I would get her to your vet and discuss options.  If it is very early, he may be able to spay her.  If not, you will want to consult with your vet during the pregnancy.

With a first litter, there is no telling how many kittens she will have.  Your vet can tell you towards the end of the pregnancy.  Normal cat gestation is 65-67 days, with 63 days being a normal minimum and 69 days being a normal maximum.

Once the kittens are weaned, I would have her spayed.

Best regards... Norm.