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Persian Male peeing outside of litter box


I have a 2 year old Male persian who urinates everywhere. He was fixed at 6months of age and started it shortly after that. He pees right next to the litter box, in corners of my house, by windows and even on concrete floors! I have 3 litter boxes and I have even seen him pee right next to the litter box after they where all freshly cleaned with clean litter. I only used hot water to clean the litter box. Recently I noticed he likes using pee pads. So i have three pee pads out and he does use them often. He poops and pees in them. However he will also still go on carpet if he feels like it.

We moved into our new house so my husband built him a room in the basement (no carpet) I kept him in the room for 6months and would only let him upstairs in my supervision. He did very well on his peepads. He had a few accidents but not bad. I was hoping to retrain him to the peepads.  However I then let him upstairs for a full day with full access to his peepads and he still decided to use the carpet. He has never peed on furniture or clothing.

Is this a never ending battle? I feel like my only option is to confide him the basement for the rest of his life or put him to sleep! I will not put him to sleep though. A persian rescue said he could not be replaced because this habit would never change. She also said that persians with extreme flat faces (which he has) have almost been bread stupid and they just don't understand. Is that right?!?


It does seem that Persians are at the bottom of the IQ ladder for domestic cats.  However, most know how to use a litter pan.  Have you ever checked your Persian for medical issues, especially in the urinary tract?  

It does bother me a bit that this all started right after he was fixed.

When he has an accident, do you thoroughly clean the area with an enzyme based cleaner specifically for pet stains and pet odors? At the very least you can use vinegar and baking soda to get the odor out of the carpet.  You may not smell it, but he can.

You may just have to confine him when you are not around. You could also try taping aluminum foil to spots on the carpet he has been known to pee on.  Cats tend to not want to pee on aluminum foil.  You may be able to break him of the habit when you catch him in the act.

Please let me know how things fare.

Best regards... Norm.