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3year old female Siamese


I have a 3yr old lilac Point female, who as a rule gets detressed if we go away from the house for holidays. We have some cat lover friends that come down twice a day to see them but she will pooh and be sick, not badly, but once or twice in a week.
Over the last three weeks she has started poohing on the scatter rugs and also peeing on the cool concrete floors in the lounge. This is always done if we are out or asleep.Infact she poohed on a rug this week only one foot from the litter tray, have you any idears.

Well there are only two reasons for this behaviour, one there is a physical problem or illness or two it is behavioural. If you suspect option one then a trip to the vets is in order. if it's number two well then you may have a whole can of worms to open, as this problem can be caused by many things. I think it would be best if i asked you to take a look at my web page about this issue (called Middening). it will inform you of some of the possible reasons and causes and also how you may attempt at curing your cat. Although from the sound of your description , she may have a separation anxiety issue to. in which case i also have some information on that too in you are interested. here are the two pages and i hope they will be able to help.



best wishes Kate