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Cat throwing up.


I have two cats. Our littlest(8 months) came back from the vet with flees and gave it to our oldest(1 1/2 yrs)when it went it to get cut. we killed the flees and bombed the house. we then found out that they had worms, we suspected from the flees, we killed the worms. now our oldest is throwing up about once a day, and i noticed this morning that where it slept were a ton of small size of the point of a ball point pen black curls. it is another type of worm? and why is she throwing up?

As gross as this sounds you need to collect a sample of this vomit and take it to your vet, he/she should be able to identify it and take appropriate action to help your cat. It is not a good thing to wait too long to do this, collect the sample tomorrow if possible and see if you can bring it in for analysis immediately after. I have the sneaking suspiscion that your cats may (as many often do) need 1-2 more follow up rounds of medication. Good luck, and keep me posted, if you have any further questions do not hesitate to contact me.