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New kid on the block

20 16:41:01

I have an indoor, but mostly outdoor cat "Peaches". She is  very loving and has       allowed  a
stray to share her food for about three years now. The stray avoids all human contact and only comes around at night.
My wife has taken my daughters 1 year old male "nuetered" and wants to make him an indoor, outdoor pet. Peaches has already expressed her feelings and it was'nt pretty. I'm afraid she may be putting this cats life in danger. Your opinion would be very much appreciated.

keep in mind this is only my opinion.

firs of all, peaches does not ever need to go outside. no cat ever needs to go outside. outside holds many dangers at all times of day.

now about the new cat, if peaches doesnt like it, and you let it outside with her, she will most likely run it off, and it will leave and not come back.

my advice, if you want another cat, bring peaches in for good, keep the other cat in for good, no more letting them out. and keep putting food out for the stray.