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4 month old kitten giving birth


Little Joker who is really huge (due to pregnancy) started to give birth about an hour ago and two kittens were out. However, her mother was pacing about frantically and snatched one of the kittens and jumped over the fence with it. The mother (kitty,kitty meow meow)just had kittens herself about two weeks ago, and the kitten she snatched she placed with her kittens! Is this common? Little Joker has not given birth to anymore as of yet...1 hr 20 min. and counting.
Thank you.

It's a little odd that a 4 month old kiten is having babies, since they don't go into their first heat until around 6 months.  However, it's not abnormal for her mom to take one of the kittens to help out.  The birthing process can take hours... so just be nearby just in case she needs you.

Good luck, and congratulations on the babies.