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i think my cat may have miscarried


i have a 2 year old ragdoll that recently was bred now she should have been due the first week of august and she had all the sysmptoms of pregnancy hard belly affectioiate morning sickness nipples starting to pop out but now she seems like she is in heat again constant meowing is it possible that she has miscarried with out me knowing or maybe she wasnt pregnant all all and if she wasnt why all the signs??


There are two things that cats do:  (1) Reabsorb litters and (2) have false pregnancies (not very common).  Very rarely do they miscarry.

Has she ever had kittens before?  If not, it is also possible that her ovaries are cystic.  Your vet can tell you what checking for that would entail.

The most common thing is if they get some bacterial or viral infection at the wrong time during the pregnancy (even though they may show no outward symptoms), and the litter is no longer viable, they may reabsorb the litter.

If you feel she may still be pregnant, your vet can tell you.

If she is, indeed, cycling again, I would wait at least one more heat and try her again.

Good luck and best regards... Norm.