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Rescued Persian Cat


I have had my rescued Persian for almost 2 weeks (she is 8 years old/1 owner previously). She still hisses, growls, swats and tries to bite me when I try to pet her. I have her in a small room so she does become overwhelmed with a new environment. She is eating well and using her litter box, but doesn't seem to want human interaction. Her previous owner said she was a very loving affectionate cat. They decided to get rid of her because they are starting a family and do not want a cat around a baby.

Is there anything more I can do other than feed and keep her litter box clean? I go into the room several times a day and just try to sit close to her and talk sweet to her, but she isn't warming up.

Hi Vicki,

When you go into the room give her special treats. Try using some deli chicken. Cats love that. Stay in there and sweet talk her a little. She will warm up to you. Right now she is a little terrified. She will calm down. It just takes a little time. Give her two weeks and see how she is. If she hasn't warmed up to you by then write back and I will give you some more tips to use. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen