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Cat Hurt or Exhausted??


Our cat followed us on a walk last night, however did not come home until this morning.  When she did, she look like she could barely walk her back legs seemed sore.  She seemed exhausted.  Although when we last saw her, there were no roads between her and our home, we suspect either she was hold up in a tree all night or was somehow injured.  There is no bleeding or visible signs of injury, however cognitively, for a few minutes, her eyes were moving back and forth rapidly when my husband picked her up from her cat bed.  They are o.k. now.  Now she has moved into the sun and is laying on her paws with her head down resting.  Normally when she lays down in the sun, she is on her side stretched out.  She seems to be resting fine, but we are still concerned.


It's possible that your cat got into a scrape with another cat or a wild animal and she may be injured. It's a good idea to keep a close eye on her and take her into the vet to be assessed if she doesn't seem back to normal in a day or two. I am concerned about the eye movements you describe as they can be indicative of head trauma and that could mean that your cat has crossed paths with a cruel cat hating human. All in all I'd really recommend that your cat is assessed sooner rather than later because if she does have any injuries she could require treatment and pain medication for them.