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Gravely ill cat


I have a 5 1/2 yr old spayed calico cat that is having trouble walking.  She has been going through periods of unconsciousness.  She tried to jump up in my lap today and fell.  She was unable to jump.  This just started today.  As we are unable to get out due to a severe ice storm I don't know what to do.  When she gets up she becomes very cold to touch.  I have been keeping her warm using a heating pad on warm and a blanket over her.  She is as limp as a rag doll when you pick her up.  She hasn't gotten into anything and has been eating in very small amounts.  She is drinking and I believe that she has voided once all day today.  Her respirations are very shallow and her heart is going extremely fast.  I'm not sure what is a normal heart rate for a cat but it seems to be pretty fast to me.  Do you have any idea as to what this could be?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I'm not sure exactly what is going on with her, but I would suggest calling your vet and see if the can give you a consult over the phone since you can't get out.  Normal heart rate for a cat can vary.  If they're resting it could be around 80-90, but if they are active, scared, or in pain they could rise over 200.  If you can actually take her temperature, I would recommend doing that.  You will need to do it rectally, and the normal temperature is about 101.  Also check her gums - they should be pink and moist.  Until you can get out of the house to take her to your vet, the only thing I think you can really do it make her comfortable.  Keep her warm, and if she seems agitated pet her and reassure her.  I hope she gets better.
