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15-year-old cat with matted coat


My cat is 15 years old.  I normally take him to the groomers, but I fear that he is too old now.  His coat is really matted down to his skin.  I can get some of the mats out, but he is probably very uncomfortable.  Should I be feeding him something special and should I consider taking him to the groomers. thank you.

Hello Sherri,
There are some groomers who work extensively with older cats and dogs.  I have several clients with elderly kitties.  The oldest has been 23! If he has been comfortable in a grooming situation all his life, then he will probably be fine. The coat will have to be shaved at this point, as,  trying to de matt a cat coat severly matted, many times results in the hair AND root being removed from the skin, causing bald spots that take a while to grow back in.  Cats have very thin, delicate skin.  Caution is needed when doing anykind of dematting, brushing, combing or clipping.  Once his coat has been clipped down (by a groomer or vet), then you will want to begin a maintenance program with keeping him combed, not just brushed, but thoroughly combed, to prevent this from happening again.  As cat get older some tend to neglect their own grooming habits, thus resulting in lots of coat building up.  So, combing daily, or at a minimum three times a week, will keep him comfortable and stress free.

Hope this has been helpful and thank you for your inquiry.
Ps.  I don't know of any diet that ACTUALLY cuts down shedding.  Healthier systems and skin will result in healthier coat, and perhaps cut down on shedding old coat.