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Could there be more kittens?


My cat Gravy is about 2 1/2 years old, this is her second pregnancy. Her first one went fine, it all happened while I was sleeping and she did it under my bed. I woke up to 2 healthy kittens meowing.
This pregnancy though has been a little different. She's bigger than she was the last time, so we suspected that she was going to have more than 2.. maybe 3 or 4. So far, she's had only one. She had the first one yesturday while we were out so I don't know the exact time, probably around 6:30 pm. She's still really big like there could be more in her, but I haven't felt any move. She's acting normal, she's not in distress and is perfectly comfortable. I've read a bunch of different things like labour can take up to 36 hours or because we came home we interupted her so she stopped. I'm just wondering if it's possible that she could still have more? Or if she doesn't have the rest soon (if there are any) will something go wrong?
And also her behaviour towards this kitten is different than with her first litter. She follows me everywhere I go and ignores her kittens cries, and when we're sleeping she comes and curls up with me while her kitten cries for her. It's almost like she's ignoring it, but she'll stay with the kitten if I stay in the room with her. Is there anything I can do to get her to stay and not always want to be where I am? Or is shutting the door the only option?

hi Allison, Unless you feel movement.. or unless you get an ultrasound done on her you won't know for sure if there are anymore kittens in there. However if you look at her behaviour that can sometimes be an indication. Usually when a mom has more kittens in her she feels restless and will not settle down and take care of the kitten(s) she already has. She will usually not feel like eating and will be more meowy than normal. NOW>> it is possible your cat is not settling with this kitten for some other reason such as she is distracted or thinks something is wrong with the kitten. But...My hunch would be that since she is an experienced mom, and since you said she was quite large and looked like she was having a large litter.. that there is something wrong with her why she is not feeling like nursing her kitten and cuddling up and sleeping with it. I would recommend you get her checked by a vet just to make sure all is well. she may have a dead kitten inside her or even a retained afterbirth.. that is making her uncomfortable now.. and may make her very sick later... Teresa