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Feral Cat with Bald Spot


Hi Kate, I take care of three feral cats in my neighborhood.  I feed them daily, had them all spayed and neutered and they have gotten their shots pretty routinely.  The male cat (around 6yrs old now) recently showed up with a big bald patch on the back of his head.  It looks like their is dandruff in the area and little crusty bumps/pimples.  Do cats pull out their hair? Although I have little problems getting his sisters to go the vet, this little guy will not allow himself to be put in a carrier anymore as he demonstrated a few months ago (he had an infection in his paw) when he bit me so hard on the arm that I had to go the ER and now have a lovely little scar. So going to the vet is out of the question I think.  I can't tranquilize him otherwise I would!  Any thoughts what this might be? Did he do it to himself? It's still really cold here in NYC, I can't imagine it's ticks or fleas (I put tick/flea stuff on them usually around May/June) The bald area doesn't seem to bother him at all and it's not red.  I know you are not a vet, but I would appreciate your thoughts, perhaps you might put me on the right track.  I'm worried he might give whatever it is to his sisters and my doggy (who the cats love to rub up against as I walk her down the block!)  Thanks for any insight you can provide and for volunteering on this site, that's a kind thing to do.  Regards, Marie :)

Hi Marie
The best thing i can suggest is that you see my web page here about skin problems including bald patches


It may provide some answers.

The problem is that he may need some sort of treatment and I'm nor sure what you can do if he is so vicious. My sisters cat was a nightmare and the vet would only see him when he had several helpers with him. they used to wear thick gardening gloves and wrap thick towels round there lower arms fixed with elastic bands to get him into the basket and then it was still a two man job.

I wish you all the best, you are doing a great job looking after these ferals, if only more people cared.

Best wishes