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day 67 of her pregnancy


hi my cat is now on day 67 of her pregnancy(25 march) she has been acting "different" since last Thursday she has been eating a lot sleeping a lot but also seems restless if that makes sense. the last few days she has been nesting and i was sure she was going to have her kittens last night but nothing. the kittens have tightened up inside her, but she still does not appear to be going in to labor. this is the cats second litter. the first time was an accident.since Thursday she has had a little discharge from her back end. today she is sleeping in her box that i made for her but she comes out every so often and sleeps on the floor. i am getting worried for her that she is going to have problems. i have been able to feel the kittens alot but today they are not moving so much.  just looking for some advice?
hope to hear back soon


All seems normal to me.  As long as she is not in distress, I would not worry too much.  She will have them when she is ready.  Everything you have described says she should be having them any time now.

If you worry too much, you will transmit your worry to her, so it is necessary for you too chill and let her proceed at her own pace.

I assume your vet knows she is due anytime now, so, should she have problems, you can get her to a vet quickly.

Since you have been through this before, you know what to expect.  This is always the very worst, just waiting for them to get started.

Please let me know how she does.

Best regards... Norm.