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lost cat in my home


Please please can you help me. I have recently volunteered to look after a 5 old female cat month for my ex son-in-law for 1 week while he is abroad. On the first day he was under my daughters bunk bed and then under mine the following day. She came out late at night for 2 nights but did not eat. She came out the following night but went toilet in my hallway but did not eat then either. At this stage we dont know where she went despite looking everywhere. The following night she used the cat litter tray which I left in the hallway near were she went toilet but she did not eat. This morning there has been no sign of her and I am extremely concerned. I am very desperate to find her for her welfare and it is not my cat please help me I just dont know where else to look and what I can do. Scared that she could have hidden in the pannelling of my prefab bungalow. Help Im desperate. Thank you. Miss Sera Rifat.

I'm sorry but I'm not sure how you think I can help you. If your cat has hidden herself somewhere in your home, you will simply have to either wait to see if she comes out from hiding and when she does i recommend that you place her in a secure room with her litter tray and bedding for at least a week so that she can get used to her new surroundings.

or go looking everywhere including inside cupboards, drawers on top of high cupboards under and in everything possible.

make sure you keep calling her gently and leaving fresh food out for her to entice her home. When she is hungry and if she is near by then she will come out.

if you suspect that she has got outside your home then you will need to start following the suggestions on this page


i hope you find her soon

best wishes KAte